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Terms and Conditions

Thank you for considering Optima Animal Physio as your physiotherapy provider. We are dedicated to providing the highest standard of service and best outcomes possible for every patient. To ensure this is achieved, we ask that you please accept the following terms and conditions upon registration as a client of Optima Animal Physio.

Practice Etiquette

I will keep my animal(s) under control within the facility or home environment. If your animal displays aggressive behaviour, every care will be taken to manage this. Restraint may be required in order to protect yourself, your animal and physiotherapy staff. It is the expectation that you will treat staff and fellow clients with respect. Optima Animal Physio will not tolerate abusive behaviour or language.

Cancellation Policy

To receive best outcomes and the most from our care, we ask you schedule appointments in advance, and as recommended by your physiotherapist. If you are unable to attend your appointment, we request a minimum of 24 hours notice be given. Where there is failure to provide 24 hours notice when changing appointments, or failure to attend an appointment, we reserve the right to impose a cancellation fee. We also reserve the right to take a deposit if you wish to book with us again. Clients arriving late to an appointment, but within their appointed time slot, may receive a shorter consultation.


Unless other than by mutual agreement, I will fully pay for all professional services upon the presentation of a tax invoice immediately following a consultation/treatment. In the case of a deferred payment arrangement, I will ensure that the invoiced payment is paid in full within 30 days of the presentation of the tax invoice. If payment is not received within the prescribed 30-day period, Optima Animal Physio reserves the right to impose a late payment fee of 7% of the outstanding amount. Payment can be made via eftpos, direct credit, Mastercard, Visa or American Express.


Healing from an injury takes time, and not every animal heals at the same rate. Healing and recovery are also dependent on how strictly you adhere to the physiotherapists’ recommendations for recovery. If at any time during your animal’s care you do not feel they are responding as well as expected, we would ask that you discuss this with your physiotherapist. Optima Animal Physio has no liability for any loss incurred by you, whether financial or otherwise, following provision of our services, nor for any perceived failure by you, whether justified or otherwise, for your animal to achieve the desired outcomes or goals.


Optima Animal Physio will treat all personal and business information supplied by you as confidential. We shall not disclose such information to any third party without your prior permission, except where required by law or where action might be necessary to protect you or someone else.

Data Protection

Optima Animal Physio is compliant with the The Privacy Act 1988 and does not share client or their animal’s personal, financial or medical information with any third parties without the expressed permission of the client. 

Informed Consent

Optima Animal Physio is compliant with the The Privacy Act 1988 and does not share client or their animal’s personal, financial or medical information with any third parties without the expressed permission of the client. 


You agree that you will indemnify Optima Animal Physio against any and all loss or damage suffered, including any legal fees or costs, as a result of any breach of this agreement by you.


Please note that Optima Animal Physio reserves the right to change, add or remove any conditions in the stated policies as we feel necessary and appropriate or as impacted by associated regulatory bodies (i.e. AHPRA), to enable the most efficient and professional administration in our practice.

Indemnity Liability and Limitations

Whilst Optima Animal Physio is committed to providing the best possible care and treatment for your animal, accidents and misadventures can unfortunately arise, notwithstanding the commitment to best-practice.
In the event of your animal being harmed whilst in the care of, and undergoing treatment with Optima Animal Physio, or resulting from such care or treatment provided by Optima Animal Physio, as a consequence of its membership with the Australian Physiotherapy Association Optima Animal Physio does have limited insurance protection by virtue of a Professional Indemnity, Public & Products Liability Insurance Policy underwritten by “Certain Underwriters of Lloyd’s”. If your animal is harmed (including death as a consequence or sufficient to be euthanized) you are entitled to pursue an indemnity claim against Optima Animal Physio which by necessity will be strictly limited to the nature of the relief and the extent thereof of the insurance protection and cover provided by my Professional Indemnity, Public & Products Liability policy (Policy number: 00201037A/APA). The broad policy wording can be seen at https://australian.physo-member-insurance-program. It is extremely important for you to appreciate that the absolute extent of any indemnity obligation that Optima Animal Physio can provide to you is strictly limited to the cover as provided within the aforesaid Professional Indemnity, Public & Products Liability policy and no other claims of any description can be pursued at any time whatsoever.


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